For example, when opening the Random Sims Body Selector by clicking on a female.

Random Sims Body Selector modifies bodies of randomly picked Sims in the world that matches the CAS Gender Settings of the clicked Sim. Every new Sim that is added to the world will follow what is set inside of the All Sims Body Selector. While sometimes they'll come back with a healthy baby and make everyone in the household relieved, more often than not they'll return with dark news despite the doctor's best efforts. This mod by LittleMsSam introduces a slight chance that one morning, a pregnant Sim may wake up with cramps and abdominal pain, prompting them to go to the hospital. Sims 4 players have perfected the dubious art of nude mods.The Sims 4: Quality Of Life Mods You Didn't Know You Needed.Best Sims 4 mods, from immortality to realistic birth.Best Sims 4 Realistic Mods For Those of You That Like Realism.Sims 4: 10 Essential Mods For Better Gameplay - CBR.How to install the sims 4 nude mod - lasopavt.The Sims 4 - WonderfulWhims v.35 - Game mod - Download.Custom Gender Settings (CGS) - Nexus Mods: The Sims 4.How to install the Pre-Teen Mod for The Sims 4 - Gamepur.Sims 4 Teen Marriage Mod - jawerlawyers.