Network: Internet Information Services, Remote Desktop & Assistance (Remote Desktop Connection here) RIP Listener, Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), Telnet Client, Telnet Server and TFTP Client.Multimedia: Media Center, music and video samples, except these needed for Windows Experience Index, all sample pictures, all screensavers, all sounds, all the desktop themes except the default aero one.Hardware support for the following devices: iSCSI devices, Microsoft Multi-Path Bus and Smart cards.All the games: card games, Chess, Mahjong, Backgammon, Checkers, Spades, Minesweeper & Purble Place.Following gadgets are not here: Currency, MediaCenter, PicturePuzzle, RSSFeeds, SlideShow & Weather.

Drivers: video cards, modems, printers, scanners, TV tunners, fax machines, some storage controller.All the languages except English (keyboards layouts are intact).Internet Download Manager 6.25 Build 12.Lite edition has been reduce some feature that make your notebook, laptop & Desktop PC slower.More faster and it also make your game experience better than before.Integrated Some Usefull Program Pre-Activated & Pre-Installed.Version excellent and pre-loaded with some within the important programs the last updates.Windows and ships only full Sized 694 MB Whatever your potential.Fixed and stable Version means what exactly problems do not occur.Beautiful Aero Blue Theme & Backgrounds & Cursors that have been used with version.Some Feature in This Windows & Why Download This OS ? Type of Medicine: Windows Loader By Daz 2.1.7 Version: 6.1 (Build 7601, Servicre Pack 1) Windows 7 Aero Blue 2016 Lite Edition 2016 64-Bit: